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亞洲遊戲娛樂公司 |
Bigben 和 EKO Software 在介紹了 士兵 (Konrad Vollen)、法師 (Elontir) 和 矮人 (Slayer Bragi Axebiter) 後,很高興為各位玩家介紹「戰鎚:混沌禍源」中最後一位出場的第四名可遊玩角色 - 木精靈射手 (Elessa)。
木精靈 Elessa 是一名優秀的射手和偵察員,她在瑪格努斯 (Magnus) 軍隊中證明了自己對遠程戰鬥的掌握力與突出的機動性表現。
Elessa擁有對大量敵人進行持續性傷害或釋放毒害攻擊的能力。她還可以召喚名為Dryads的森林精靈來幫助她進行戰鬥。即使被敵人包圍,她的各種技能也可以讓她將劣勢轉化為她的優勢:她持有的咒術可以減緩敵人行動、躲閃攻擊 或 纏繞對手。
「戰鎚:混沌禍源」提供了一種獨特的遊戲機制,四個可控角色都可以啟動 ; 英雄們都各自擁有一個嗜血瓶,透過屠殺大批敵人,來收集紅色球體作為能量補充。當嗜血瓶被充滿時,玩家即可釋放他們的憤怒狀態並啟動超強技能。而對於Elessa來說,這意味著從天而降的箭雨。
「戰鎚:混沌禍源」將在 2019年06月04日於 PlayStation®4、Xbox One 和 PC平台上同步推出。Magnus 版本的玩家將取得搶先入場門票於5月31日提前起程前往混沌大陸。
關於 Bigben |
Bigben is a major player in video game publishing, in the design and distribution of smartphone and gaming accessories as well as furnishing customized audio products. Known for its innovation and creativity, the company group aims to become a leader in each of its industries. For more information about Bigben: www.bigben.fr |
關於 Games Workshop |
Games Workshop® Group PLC (LSE:GAW.L), based in Nottingham, UK, produces the best fantasy miniatures in the world. Games Workshop designs, manufactures, retails, and distributes its range of Warhammer®: Age of Sigmar® and Warhammer® 40,000® games, miniature soldiers, novels and model kits through 507 of its own stores (branded Games Workshop® or Warhammer®), the www.games-workshop.com web store and independent retail channels in more than 50 countries worldwide. More information about Games Workshop and its other, related, brands and product ranges (including our publishing division ‘Black Library’ and our special resin miniatures studio ‘Forge World’) can be found at www.games-workshop.com. |
關於 Eko Software |
Established in 1999, Eko Software is an independent game developer and publisher based in Paris - France. Eko Software is developing games on all major gaming platforms (consoles - PC - Smart TVs). Mainly focused on development and content creation, the company develops games for top publishers or creates new IPs that are published in partnership with worlwide publishers or self-published through digital distribution channels. IPs created by Eko include Aqua Panic!, Wanted Corp., SPRay, and How to Survive. For more information on Eko Software and its products please visit www.ekosystem.com. |
關於 Game Source Entertainment |
Game Source Entertainment 是位於香港的亞洲區主機遊戲發行商及代理商,亦是iTunes以及Google Inc. 的流通合作伙伴。目前已於PlayStation®4/ Nintendo Switch™/ Xbox One 以及上世代主機平台上推出超過100款中文化遊戲,代表了對大中華市場堅定不變的決心、信念和支持。 |
GSE官方YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/c/GAMESOURCEENTERTAINMENT
遊戲名稱:戰鎚:混沌禍源 (Warhammer: Chaosbane)
開發商:EKO Software
發行商:Bigben Interactive
香港代理:Game Source Entertainment
對應平台:PlayStation®4 / Xbox One / PC
建議售價:HKD $398 (PlayStation®4、Xbox One) / HKD $298 (PC)
字幕:繁體中文 / 簡體中文 / 英文
Warhammer: Chaosbane © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2019. Chaosbane, the Chaosbane logo, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Published by Bigben Interactive and developed by Eko Software. All rights reserved to their respective owners.